Friday, February 1, 2013

Felicita Studios

"Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, all the time!", shouted my dad while holding up my arms in the air, wrists flopping and waving around.  He use to do that when I was pouting or suffering from a self-conscious moment.  A smile would begin to crack around my mouth and as much as I tried to hold it in, I would eventually burst out in laughter, even if it was solely at myself.
If I could give that memory a name,  I would write Janice Hawkins all over it.  She is a person that exudes joyfulness with  acceptance.  She  delivers encouragement with understanding.  She was the first person I shared the ideas of my blog with, not because we were the closest of friends, but because her name immediately popped into my mind when I was searching for a supportive safe haven.  I knew that she would give me sound solid advice that I could rest my feet on, yet push me to reach out to that inspired  limb dangling over the 100 foot commonplace cliff.
It's only fitting that her business, Felicita Studios, does exactly that.  Fourteen years ago, she was given a dream and a vision for a working art studio.  Felicita means "happiness" and is the beginning of the fulfillment of that vision.  She added Studios because she works with numerous mediums in multiple studios.  Her projects and designs reach into events, weddings, fashion, interiors and more, but she also refers to each item created as a studio in itself.
She explains,    "... a place or point of inspiration in the person wearing, using or giving the item. It may become the source of inspiration for an event, a wedding, an outfit or a room design. Whatever it draws out of you, I hope it creates happiness in your life.
I love to design and create, but my calling is to encourage and help people discover their passion. I want to inspire people to live beautiful lives by awakening and validating the creativity in them.
I am easily inspired and I believe there is a lot of healing that God brings in our lives as we lay our hands to artistic endeavors. When people create together, a sense of community is strengthened that crosses generations and life giving connections are made. It is my desire to inspire and challenge myself and others toward excellence in all things."

Janice has always been surrounded by creativity and naturally gravitated towards the arts as a child.  Her talented mother planted the inventive seed and her grandmother, aunts, and a very special high school art teacher nourished and watered it.  By using her artistic abilities as her ministry, God has pruned and shaped her in such a way as to yield fruit with each piece, commission, and service that comes out of Felicita Studios.  She has always prayed before beginning any artwork, but it was a pivotal moment when her prayers changed from, "Lord, help me to design this to the best of my ability", to "Be my hands, be my eyes, Lord, and design this through me to bless those that I am creating this for."   
When she realized she WAS the tool of the Creator,  instead of relying on her ability to use tools to produce an art piece; her art changed from her level of ability to His.  Janice has this crazy inexplicable ability to generate extraordinary things in small amounts of time.  I can't remember how many times I've asked her, "How long did it take you to do this?"  And every time she answers, I'm amazed.  Even in crunch time, in the midst of  frenzied flurries of fabric and ribbon, she tries to remember that her branches are cut back for a reason; so that she may rely on Him more to produce something that reflects Him more.  She tells me, "In art, when someone is critiquing the piece, they can either worship the artist, worship the image, or worship God." One of her greatest desires is that her artwork points up before it points back at herself.  This must be why I feel so comfortable, cheerful, and carefree in her presence.  I know that even if I'm scared to share an idea in fear of rejection or awkwardness, she grabs my spirit by the wrists, and lifts it up, in a smile-inducing song of happiness!

Meander through all of the beautiful pieces Felicita Studios has available to purchase at the website, on facebook, and at the new Etsy page.  If you would like a custom upcycled gown, accessory, painting, event or decor item, just join her at the studio for some brainstorming and a cup of tea.  If all you need is direction and a little creative coaching to help you achieve your dream wedding, event, or favorite space, join a DIY workshop at the location of your choice and invite anyone you want to share in your magical making!